Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Making our mark

The skateboarding world is a unique subculture. And the missionaries at Glasgow's Overtoun House (http://www.overtounhouse.com/) have an amazing ministry to this group of extreme atheletes. Not only do they go each week to a local skateboard park and hold a Bible Study, but they've built an indoor skateboard park in the lower level of the Overtoun House itself!

How are we going to come alongside this ministry? Well, if you think that I'm going to even think about stepping onto one of these little boards -- think again! However, we're going to help decorate both the local skateboard park and the Overtoun house park with some pretty cool designs. They look like this:

Pretty awesome, eh? We'll be painting silhouettes of different sizes on the walls of both skateboard parks. And as we do, we'll be praying that God uses this ministry to bring these kid's hearts the love of Jesus.
With only 5 out of 100 people attending any kind of church in Scotland, the amazing message of God's love and the hope they can have in Jesus is being brought out to the streets (and schools and skateboard parks!)
One of the Overtoun House missionaries shared recently that there has been a rash of suicides among the young men in Scotland. There are two local boys who took their lives in this past year alone. Jesus said, "I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abudance to the full, till it overflows"!
Pray with us that the truth of life and hope will penetrate the darkness of despair that has filled some of these boy's hearts. Pray that the love of God gives them hope -- not only for the life they're living now, but for the life to come!

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