Monday, May 17, 2010


This is one big, smokin' disruption in people's lives! Our plans are to leave on June 11th and fly to Scotland via Dublin and London. Will the ash cloud belching from the Iceland volcano affect our trip? Right now, Dublin airport is closed.
Whether it delays our departure or causes us to be stuck there is completely unknown. But one thing I do know is that God can use something like a cloud of ash to get our attention. I'm more aware than ever that nothing goes according to our plans, but to HIS plans. The ash cloud becomes a common denominator that God can use to open doors to share his truth. How? I'm not sure -- but God does. I'm listening, Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the next little Missionary in the family. Must be genetic or passionate or ???? Will keep you all in my prayers as I know that you keep me and my travels in yours. Love - gwen
